The RNDM-BMX Branding.
A little history behind the Brand that aimed to Change the world of BMX!!
G’day guys and welcome to the very interesting yet very RaNDoM world of RNDM-BMX. As you may be able to tell, the four characters at the start of the name represents a part of what the Brand started off as initially, however, as time moved on it soon developed itself not only to be completely “SILLY RANDOM” in everything it stood for, but rather settled on using the name to portray its very own Uniqueness.
Not Just another Extreme BMX Brand.
Although one may fairly assume that the world of BMX seems to more or less be dominated by young tattooed and pierced-up gentlemen getting some serious Air Time, as well as doing some serious Tricks (which ‘By The Way’ is something to be truly admired), RNDM-BMX decided to take a slightly different route to this whole game.
Therefore, being that it aimed to work on a more “Creative Fun” type approach, RNDM-BMX has since gone through a number of Uniquely Different stages to bring out an Individuality of it’s own.
So where did it all begin Exactly?
Let’s turn back time for a moment and louer you in with a Story of how this all came about back in 2016.
The Beginning of a New Bike Brand.
It was around September time 2016, the BMX’er had his Suit, Tie, and Top-Hat on, The Camera Man was setting himself up, and the Ramp was set in place….. ON THE EDGE OF A BRIDGE!
As the traffic had slowly cleared the path and the fierce pedaling had now begun, the BMX’er kind of forgot where the Ramp was and thus slightly readjusted himself to make for a clear shot. As he and the Bike hurled up and over the edge, it didn’t take too long before a sudden “SPLASH” occurred followed by a little sense of achievement and then finally “to get the heck out of there” with a decent swim back to shore.
So what exactly was the aim behind all this?
Well - It was not just about the Stunt itself, but more about the way the Stunt was Done, and Ultimately, what we wanted to portray to the World about our RaNDoM New Brand….
Thus including, the Fun…. Creative…. yet…. Craziness of it all.
Like…. Seriously!! Who dresses in a Suit, Tie, and Top Hat riding a BMX over the edge of a Bridge and into the filthy water beneath anyways? Nuff Said…. :O
Other vivid memories of that day still scratch the surface including that of a few caring homeless people making their way up from the ledge beneath to check if the guy (that went over the edge) was ok. “How very nice. Truly! :D”
And also how a young fit blonde-haired jogger had passed by just as the BMX’er was pulling himself up out of the water giving her a quick fright as she exclaimed “Oh my, I just didn’t expect you to be there?!”
Other than that, it all ended well with a few last cheeky photos’ by the ledge with the Ramp, some packing up of equipment, and finally, a walk back to the Car as the Bike had now been fully submerged in the dirty water below. “Bye Bye Bike.”
After the stunt was complete, sadly not much else happened later that year “Video & Content wise” as there was a full-time job beckoning for a return, and a hope to make it Big with a Brand New Product that had been built prior.
A RNDM achievement prior to the Stunt.
It was around the month of June 2016 as a new ramp was being drawn up and designed based on a much older version that seemed to prove itself as very capable of handling even the most decent attacks.
As the aluminum had been ordered, it was then cut to length and sent off to be bent accordingly. After many more months of hand-building it all, the Ramp had finally been completed.
This was it! This was a part of the Brand that wanted to show the potential of Unique Creativity and Innovation determining that whatever it set its mind to, could very much be accomplished. So without further a do….
We Introduce to you, the RNDM-BMX FlatPak Jump Ramp.
The Aluminum and Stainless construction of the Ramp was designed to keep it reasonably light in weight, quite durable, and shine like bling. It was a real stepping stone in what could be achieved and the quality of the Product was something to be admired.
As displayed above (and below), the FlatPak Jump Ramp was RNDM-BMX’s first hand made quality Product under the RNDM-BMX Name that was designed to be strong, lite weight, and durable.
After giving it a fair crack on the site Indiegogo aiming to build up funds in order to mass produce them and ultimately sell them like Hot-Cakes, this actually proved to swing quite the other way and in turn, failed quite miserably. This was most likely due to the price of the Ramp being much too high (thanks to its construction process) possibly turning many potential buyers off.
A brand New Year with some Brand new Goals.
However, being that the Bike Brand was still determined to continue on with its Innovative Products phase, as the month of April 2017 hit, it was time to head back to the drawing board for a second round to give another ‘similar’ Product a crack.
This Time! With something much less complicated in manufacturing design yet aiming to still appeal to those who were genuinely interested-
The RNDM-BMX ComFlat Jump Ramp was soon to be born.

Although the Ramp was still somewhat hand-built, it followed a jigsaw-type puzzle construction with pre-fabricated parts and less fiddly bits allowing for a much simpler build.
So as RNDM-BMX had its second crack at the ever-so-popular site Indiegogo, there was yet another failed attempt of drawing proper attention to this other “you-beaut” Product. However, this was later discovered to work out in our favor thanks to a slight manufacturing glitch as the Ramp began to twist and buckle upon some further vigorous testing making it unable to fold back up the way it should. So it was soon ditched and the campaign eventually came to an end.
So where to now?
As 2018 approached, there were many other Projects being worked upon like an official Logo that was changed at least once (and refined later on) thanks to a slight name update, and an official Mascot known as Mr SnEaKy SMIRK who was soon to be part of the RNDM-BMX family neatly tucking his way into the latest official Logo.
There were also other experimentation’s with RNDM-BMX introducing its very own Uniquely Designed Clothing Range that had a Video linked to a slight storytelling Tee matching with Cartoony-like images and Big Captions printed on the Front and Back.
These were simply known as…. “QR” TOON-Shirt’s.
Yet, the journey continued on.
In 2019, RNDM-BMX reached out for a new scene of Unique Creativity as the Brand introduced Charity type Event’s that ‘at first’ were pretty ordinary, before eventually stepping them up to becoming Game like Event’s so that the general public could have a ‘fair Dink’Um’ Go at trying to either Win some money for themselves or, a Charity in need.
These Charity Events also proved to be quite a stepping stone for the Brand as a LOT of Innovative New Products began to be Designed & Created thanks to a need for many things that were simply not available or nonexistent.
Such Product’s Included the Boom-Box Cradle (pictured below) and some Custom made “tooless-take-on-take-off” Slick Aluminum Pegs.
The 2020 Covid dilemma.
Although 2020 was unfortunately quite a miserable year for most, RNDM-BMX dedicated itself to keeping busy going out and filming here and there, as well as keeping its Modelling division very much alive and well (for Content purposes). During the Modelling segments though, it was quite interesting to hear stories from some of the models hired out for the day as they shared some sad stories of losing their jobs and not knowing where else to turn thanks to this whole Virus thing…..
Although there was not much else we could offer to them “after they had finished up with us”, we did have them on reserve just in case another opportunity was to arise. However, after the Victorian Government of Australia introduced the “no more than 5km radius rule”, a lot of people were much too scared of coming out and meeting up which eventually threw the whole modeling segment out for a while.
But as 2020 continued through to its mid-way mark, another interesting thing happened when one of the Crew went out to do some Promotional Filming which instead resulted in inspiring RNDM-BMX to get to work designing a version of their very own unique braking system.
The story (below) is told as follows…..
It was around the month of June when one of the Crew went out filming at a certain Jump Park. As he was building confidence to clear one of the Jumps, he made a last-minute decision to go for it which quickly turned into landing halfway through forcing him over the handlebars bending the fork and front rim in the process. Being that the BMX had a unique Internal Braking System, as it came time to pull out the Fork, the Fork had a Slot in it to make this certain system work. At that, RNDM-BMX was quite determined to see if they could come up with their own unique design allowing for any Fork to be fitted without the need for the Slot.
The two Forks (pictured below) are from a BMX Brand that has the very Unique yet very well-made Internal Braking System fitted to them.

While the BMX (pictured below) has RNDM-BMX’s own Prototype “Internal Rotation System” fitted, (without a slotted fork), it is still in its Prototype Phase meaning that there will be plenty more R&D and Testing Ahead.
But we intend to keep those interested in the loop of this Project as time goes by…..

As exciting as Innovation is however, it is not the only part of RNDM-BMX’s game as many other things fuel its fire.
Such other things include Stunts, Modelling, Entertainment, and Adventure Rides that are more or less BMX related, yet at the same time, being very much part of what the Brand stands for as a whole.
Other Risks and Ventures.
Around December time 2020, another turning point for RNDM-BMX began as a new feminine mascot was born and some specially designed Clothing began to submerge aiming itself for BMX-a Chicka’s.
So without further a do, we introduce you too…. Ms SnEaKy SMIRK.

Promotion begins.
Being that the Clothes had been officially designed and ordered around December time 2020 meant that 2021 had a fresh clear run ready for Promotion.
As we got to work hiring out some models, we did our usual procedure of getting them to feel comfortable and then posing for the Camera like so….
Although still in its infant stage regarding this fairly new phase, the Brand is aiming for a Big Bright Future ahead seeing what can ultimately be achieved regarding its BMX girl’s clothing range.
The Brand In a Nut Shell.
So when looking at what Picture we wanted to paint and create for our Audience in regards to what this certain Brand is all about, a Short GIF (Click/Tap picture below) was specially created matching up with an Official Slogan…. “A BMX BRAND FOR ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE BMX!”
So what might this actually mean?
It simply means that it doesn’t matter “who you are”, “where you come from”, “what you’re story is” or “whether you have a particular BMX skill or not”, if you are into BMX for either…. A Sport, A Hobby, An Adventure Ride, Cruising, Mountain Riding, Stunts, or Simply just to Look Charming, Sexy or Cool, then RNDM-BMX is just for You.
The Future.
So where to from here?
Currently, there are many things being worked on at the moment including….. A Fresh New Website, Exotic & Unique New Products, some more Clothing Designs, more Content Building, and but of course, some more Modelling…. So be sure to Stay Tuned to see what the future holds!
Cheers to reading this article and sure hope it made some better sense in regards to everything this fairly new Brand is more or less about. Feel free to stay in the loop with all things RNDM-BMX by following us on Substack (Subscribe button below) as we will be more than happy to keep you posted with more exciting Articles written about future RNDM-BMX stuff’s.
Also…. To see a simplified Article based on RNDM-BMX’s Current Direction including some Exotic & Unique BMX Products. Click/ Tap the Image Below………
In the meantime, tell your friends!